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Thursday, November 13, 2014

Review Film Aruitemo aruitemo / Still Walking [Dir : Hirokazu Koreeda ,2008]

Judul: Aruitemo aruitemo / Still Walking
Release: 2008
Reviewer: vhinjr
Download : N/A (nyusul)

Still Walking is a family drama about grown children visiting their elderly parents, which unfolds over one summer day. The aging parents have lived in the family home for decades. Their son and daughter return for a rare family reunion, bringing their own families with them. They have gathered to commemorate the tragic death of the eldest son, who drowned in an accident fifteen years ago.

yang ini lebih parah setengah filmnya flat bangeetttttt mungkin emang mau di bikin natural tapi buat saya boring as hell , bahkan butuh beberapa hari buat nontonnya.
untung yang setengahnya lagi bisa merubah keadaan sampe 180 derajat.
saya suka cara penyampaian konfilknya yang satu persatu tiba" muncul.
endingnya indah bray


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