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Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Cutest Baby Clothes

If you're expecting a new bundle of joy, or have a few that are already giving you sleepless nights, you know full well that there's lots to consider when it comes to raising a baby. You've got to keep them safe, healthy, happy, clean. Fed and watered, sheltered and at more than just an arm's length away from all cleaning supplies and electrical outlets. There's a never-ending list of considerations. Oh, and you have to clothe them, too! Whether you're looking for everyday wear or clothing for special occasions, Paris says to remember to keep baby's clothes playful, colorful and, of course, uber-cute!
Baby jeans are fun, trendy and always in style. But make sure they aren't too tight or constricting. Leggings are perfect. One trend that will only continue to grow is for eco-friendly clothes. Look for kids clothes made with organic and recycled materials. It will adjust with your baby's body temperature and is great for layering. Hypoallergenic and antibacterial, it is an excellent choice. As for hues, think of the colors of nature – sky blues, ocean grays and grassy greens are hot. f you're going all out, check out the designer duds for babies. It may seem crazy to be dressing a baby in Gucci, Prada or Versace, but practical and beautiful trendy baby wear is certainly out there. And babies are a growing target market, with designers focusing on younger and younger kids for parents who want to indulge.

Buy a huge pack of size 1 diapers and jumbo wipes. These will definitely get used, cost as much as an outfit, and are needed. If you can’t resist cute baby clothes, buy a larger size so that the baby will have something to wear in 6 months or a year. Always buy a size larger than the age of the baby, and think about the seasons to make sure the clothing will be weather appropriate.

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