

Kaos Polos, Sablon Satuan, dan Informasi Fashion, Kaos, Baju, Kemeja, Jaket, dan Tips Seputar Fashion dan Review tentang Lifestyle.

Sunday, March 1, 2015

Things to do When Your Remy Hair Weave Get Salt or Chloride

You have a beautiful remy hair weave? By the way women, there is a prohibition for you if you have remy hair weave that you choose to keep your beauty. It is water. Keep it dry since getting wet will damage your remy hair weave. But the problem is how if you are a swimming athlete who like having remy hair weave but one day you have a competition after doing your extension or you will be going on a cruise and your hair get the water. Of course it is a terrible thing for your remy hair weave and also the beauty of your hair and look.

You have to know that water in swimming pool has chlorine and water from the ocean contains salt which both can be damaging and dangerous for your hair. Generally, the more processed the extension, the less they can handle being in the water. Follow these steps to keep your remy hair weave.

  • Clean your hair soon afterwards to avoid the damage from chemical, salt, and chlorine. Do you soon since it is an important thing to do.
  • Thoroughly, rinse the hair to remove all chemicals.
  • Let the hair to air-dry completely.

When it is dry, do these steps:

  1. Use high moisture conditioner to hair
  2. Wrap your hair in a moist warm towel
  3. Allow the conditioner remain on your hair for 10- 30 minutes.
  4. Rinse your hair.

Additional tips

  1. If you are not sure about the quality level of our hair extensions, consult your beautician.
  2. Do not go swimming.
  3. If your extension cannot tolerate the chemicals and salt in the water, just wrap your hair up and do not let them get water or wet.

So, women don’t worry when your remy hair weave is wet because of ocean or swimming pool water. Do those tips to save your beautiful hair.

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