Suspenders are straps of cloth that go over a man's shoulder and down to the front of his trousers, where they either clip or button to the waistband. How to wear suspender? Since men no longer need suspenders to hold up their pants, they have evolved from a necessity to a style accessory. It’s true that you don’t need to have suspenders in your wardrobe and I’m not going to tell you that you need to go out and buy one right now, but they can be a fun accessory that can give you a very distinctive look. Most men will fasten their suspenders in the back, put their trousers on, and then fasten the suspenders in the front.
How to wear suspender? Some designs use a metal clasp that grips or pinches the fabric of the trousers, while others have small buttons at each end of the suspender.
The latter are ideal in that they do not compress and eventually damage the trouser fabric, but they can only be worn with trousers that feature button-flaps for it. It can really give something extra to your casual look. Wear them over a casual shirt and some nice looking chino pants like the guys pictured above. Roll up the sleeves of your shirt and try to add some more accessories. Wearing a pair of suspenders under your suit jacket will make sure people will take notice of you every time you take it off. When a pair of skinny is paired with a well-worn t-shirt, some beat up jeans and a few punk appropriate accessories, you have a very subversive look on your hands with a lot of personality.The most important thing to keep in mind is that the way you wear them should suit your personal style. If not, you will not feel comfortable wearing them, and it will only harm your confidence