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Monday, March 2, 2015

Hair Extension Methods

There are so many different hair extensions methods available on the market today that it can seem overwhelming! Hair stylist will try to convince you that the hair extension methods they provide are the best for your hair type. This guide to provide you with a better insight to some of the most popular hair extensions types out there. Hair extensions is a great way of enhancing your look- but always make sure that the method you choose will not compromise the health of your natural hair.  Invisible hair extensions are also known as skin wefts. Skin wefts are an imitation of the skin with hair "growing" out of it. Skin wefts are applied with a bonding material directly to your scalp. These extensions last for 5-8 weeks before they must be re applied for secure wear. It’s great if you have thinning or balding hair because it creates a natural invisible hair installation.
This method is great for people who have had chemo or suffer from other diseases claiming hair loss. This hair extension method is great for you if you have very thin hair. It is a bit pricey, and is not yet available at very many salons. Invisible hair extensions(skin wefts) are not right for you If you have very thick hair,If you are going for lot's of volume,If you do not want to be bothered with having the hair reattached as frequently. Clip in hair extensions is an easy ad popular way of adding instant growth to your natural hair. As all other extensions clip on extensions are available in many textures and qualities. Clip in extensions are available in human hair extensions and synthetic clip in extensions depending on your preference. It is important that you find clip in extensions that match your natural hair texture and color since they will be intergrated with your natural hair, and therefor will not hide your natural hair texture nor color.

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