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Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Review Film Jepang: Love Exposure (2008)

Judul: Love Exposure
Release: 2008
Reviewer: Pencabul

Setelah bersabar nungguin kelar download nih film 1 Giga-an,
pas diplay ternyata cuman behind the scene-nya doang.

Setelah nyari n sukses download lagi terus diplay,
pas liat durasinya hampir 4 jam.

Setelah dipause bentar karena penasaran terus baca wiki, 
ternyata nih film durasi 4 jam tuh abis dipotong karena request produsernya,
tadinya sih durasinya 6 jam.

Love Exposure (愛のむきだし Ai no mukidashi) is a 2008 Japanese film written and directed by Sion Sono. The film gained a considerable amount of notoriety in film festivals around the world for its four-hour duration and themes including love, family, lust, religion and the art of upskirt photography.
The first version was originally six hours long, but was trimmed at the request of the producers. Following its release, it won many awards and positive reviews. At the Berlin International Film Festival, it won the Caligari Film Award and the FIPRESCI Prize.

Setelah ane terusin lagi nontonnnya, ternyata asik juga ceritanya.
Filmnya ngalir gitu aja, kadang ane dibikin kesel , ngakak , horny , dan bingung  dibikin campur aduk gitu di sepanjang film diputer. Ane sampe gak ngerasa 4 jam udah lewat
Meskipun ane masih susah ngebayangin kalo ini bener-bener kejadian nyata, yah dari opening film sih katanya begitu

Overall filmnya enjoyable, poin yg ane suka tentang ideologi seorang cabuler
Dan tentu saja, panty... panties everywhere

Rekomen buat yg doyan atau pengen nyicipin film absurd dan sedikit gila dari jepang berbumbu ecchi

IMDB : 8.2/10
MINE : 8.5/10

"Life is what you make it, 
being a pervert is just one way of life"

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